Dr. Pooran Koli
Name: Pooran Koli
Designation: Professor
DOB: 20/07/1973
E-mail: poorankoli@yahoo.com
Mobile No.: +91 - 9351554271
Address: (Office):Department of Chemistry, New Campus, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur-342033,Rajasthan (India); Residence:C-503, 5th Floor, Marwar Apartment, Sector-14E, Chaupasani Housing Board, Jodhpur-342008, Rajasthan, INDIA

Academic Qualification:

S.No. Name of Examination Year Name of University Subjects offered Division
1 Sr. Hr. Sec. Exam 1989 Rajasthan Board, Ajmer Chemistry, Physics, Biology, All Compulsory subjects First
2 B.Sc 1991 University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Chemistry, Zoology, Botany First
3 M.Sc 1993 University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Chemistry First
4 Joint UGC-CSIR NET Exam 1993 UGC-CSIR Chemical Science JRF Qualified
5 Ph.D 2011 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Chemistry Awarded
6 Sec. Exam 1987 Rajasthan Board, Ajmer Chemistry, Physics, Biology, All Compulsory subjects First
7 Hr. Sec. Exam 1988 Rajasthan Board, Ajmer Chemistry, Physics, Biology, All Compulsory subjects First

Teaching & Research Experience Details:

S.No. Name of Institute Designation From To
1 Govt. PG College, Karauli, Rajasthan (India) Lecturer in Chemistry 13/01/1996 05/08/1996
2 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Assistant Professor 06/08/1996 12/01/2010
3 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Associate Professor (CAS) 13/01/2010 12/01/2013
4 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Professor (CAS) 13/01/2013 31/07/2033

Details of Consultancy Project/s grid :

S.No. Name of project funding Agency Duration status

Membership of Academic Societies:

S.No. Name Of Society Remark

Academic Post:

S.No. Name Of Society Remark

Scopus/WOS Indexed Publication/s:

S.No. Title of paper Name of journal Year Vol Page.no Impact

Other Publication/s:

S.No. Title of paper Name of journal Year Vol Page.no

Published Book/s :

S.No. Name of author Title of book Publisher Year authored

Published Book Chapter/s :

S.No. Name of author Title of book Publisher Year volpageno

Editor/s in Journals :

S.No. nameofjournal associateeditor publishinghouse impactfactor
1 Applied Solar Energy, IF 1.2, h-index 15, Scopus Editor, Editorial Board Member Springer Nature publications IF 1.2

Invited Speaker/ Resource Person in Conferences/Workshop/ Seminar:

S.No. Title of paper Details of conference hostinstitute Vol Page.no

Paper Presented in International Conferences/ workshop/ Seminar:

S.No. Title of paper Details of conference Hostinstitute year

Paper Presented in National Conferences/ Workshop/ Seminar:

S.No. Title of paper Details of conference Hostinstitute year

National Workshop/ Conferences/ Seminar Attended:

S.No. Title of paper Details of conference Hostinstitute year

Any other relevant information:

S.No. Remark Year

Participated in Co-Curricular Activities:

S.No. Activity Year

Publication/s In CARE listed Journals:

S.No. nameofauthor titleofpaper nameofjournal vol pageno

Administrative Experience:

S.No. Name of Institute Designation From To
1 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Proctor, Science Faculty, New Campus 01/07/2009 30/06/2010
2 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Incharge, B.Sc. 1st Year Lab 01/07/2015 30/06/2020
3 Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur Member,Non-Teaching Committee, Dept. of Chemistry 01/07/2015 30/06/2017

Academic Award/Honor / Fellowships::

S.No. Name of Award/Honor / Fellowships Year

Research Projects:

Major Research Project: N/A

Minor Research Projects: N/A
Mentor in student projec: 7

Consultancy projects:N/A

S.No. Title of the Project Funding Agency Duration Status
1 Extensive study of the solar energy conversion devices photogalvanic cells with special reference to their power storage capacity and photo-stability UGC-CSIR (JRF fellowship) 04 years 04 months completed
2 Study of the effect of chemically different working electrodes on the solar energy conversion and storage through the photogalvanic cells UGC-CSIR (JRF fellowship) 03 years 11 months completed
3 Small project in Energy research thrust area DRS-II (SAP-I), UGC short duration as part of 05 year tenure of DRS completed short duration
4 Studies of the micellar effect on photogalvanics: Solar energy conversion and storage UGC (PDF Fellowship) 01 of 05 Years completed
5 Spectroscopic study of photogalvanic cells for solar energy conversion and storage UGC (PDF Fellowship) 05 Years completed
6 Study of modified photogalvanic cells for enhancing efficiency of solar energy conversion and storage UGC (RGNF Fellowship) 02 years completed
7 Extensive study of the effect of photosensitive materials on solar power and storage capacity of the photogalvanic cells UGC (RGNF Fellowship) 02 years completed
8 UV-Visible spectroscopic study of the photogalvanic cells with special reference to the electrolyte illuminated through various sized illuminating windows at different illuminating source intensity UGC (Savitribai Jyotirao Phule Fellowship) ) 02 years 02 months completed

Overseas PDF Supervised :N/A

Ph. D Awarded : N/A

PhD Pursuing : N/A

Post Graduate Dissertations Supervised : N/A

Research Guidance:

S.No. Name of Student Title of Thesis/PDF Submitted Awarded
1 Dheerata Comparative study of the effect of various alkaline materials on the solar energy conversion and storage through photogalvanic cell submitted on 27.3.2023 Awarded 27.3.2023
2 Jyoti Saren Study of the effect of chemically different working electrodes on the solar energy conversion and storage through the photogalvanic cells submitted on 21.9.2023 Awarded, 21.9.23
3 Ramesh Kumar Pareek Extensive study of the solar energy conversion devices photogalvanic cells with special reference to their power storage capacity and photo-stability submitted on 13.10.2018 Awarded, 13.10.18
4 Yashodhara Dayma Study of modified photogalvanic cells for enhancing efficiency of solar energy conversion and storage submitted on 15.10.2018 Awarded, 15.10.18
5 Rajendra Kumar Study of the variety of electrodes and cell dimensions for the solar energy conversion and storage through photogalvanic cells submitted on 14.3.22 Awarded, 14.3.2022
6 Meenakshi Jonwal Comparative study of the natural and synthetic surfactants on the solar power generation and storage capacity of Photogalvanic cells submitted on 28.3.22 Awarded, 28.3.2022
7 Anita Meena Extensive study of the solar energy conversion devices photogalvanic cells with special reference to their power storage capacity and photostability submitted on 22.2.2023 Awarded 22.2.2023
8 Anamika Charan UV-Visible spectroscopic study of the photogalvanic cells with special reference to the electrolyte illuminated through various sized illuminating win submitted on 1.7.2024 N/A

Membership of Academic Societies:


Academic Post: N/A

Detail of Publications

Full Research paper published in (UGC-CARE List/Scopus/ Thomson Reuter/web of science listed journals)

International Journal: 43

National Journal: 5

Review Article: 3

Popular article: N/A

Other Research Publications: 10

S.No. Title of the paper/ review Name of Journal Vol. Page no. Impact Factor
1 Energy conversion in electrolyte under artificial light: Fast Green FCF-Fructose-Surfactant- small Pt electrode photogalvanic cell Applied Solar Energy, SpringerNature Publication, ISSN: 0003-701X, IF 1.2, h-index 15, CiteScore 2.0, SJR 0.34, SNIP 0.764 52 76- 1.2
2 Photogalvanic effect of Brilliant Cresyl Blue-Fructose-surfactant-small Pt electrode-artificial light: Simultaneous solar energy conversion and storag Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis, IF 3.447, h-index 45, CiteScore 3.4, SJR 0.477, SNIP 0.929 40 2163 2.90
3 Exploratory insight in to stability of Rhodamine B and crude aqueous spinach extract based photogalvanic cells: Comparing photo-stability of electroly Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, Elsevier, ISSN: 2666-4690 8 100086 2.2
4 Photogalvanic cells: Comparative study of various synthetic dye and natural photo sensitizer present in spinach extract RSC Advances,RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry, London,UK) Publications, IF 4.036 , SJR 0.746, CiteScore: 5.9 , SNIP 0. 87 , h-index 148 4 46194- 4.036
5 Exploratory insight in to the long term photo-stability of the Brilliant Cresyl Blue based electrolyte solution of photogalvanic cells Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, Springer Nature Publications 88 (3) 361- 0.861
6 Use of pigments present in the crude aqueous extract of the spinach for the simultaneous solar power and storage Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, Wiley-VCH GmbH, Online ISSN: 2699-9412 2(11) 210007 5.8
7 Sodium Lauryl Sulphate enhanced solar energy conversion by photogalvanic effect of Rhodamine B-Fructose in artificial light ChemistrySelect, Wiley, IF 2.307 , h-index 34, CiteScore 3.1, SJR 0.437, SNIP 0.479 01 2016- 2.307
8 Characterization, stability, and feasibility of long-term use of light-absorbing components of aqueous spinach extract-based photogalvanic electrolyte Scientific Reports,Nature Publishing (now Springer-Nature), ISSN 2045-232,2IF 4.379; 5-year IF 4.576; cite score 7.1 SJR 1.24; SNIP 1.377; h index 213 12 13518 4.99
9 Surfactant and natural sunlight enhanced Photogalvanic effect of Sudan I dye Arabian Journal of Chemistry,Elsevier, IF 6.212 , h-index 70, Cite Score 9.4; 5-Year IF 4.57; SNIP 2.165 ; SJR: 0.789 10 1017- 6.212
10 Study of KOH as Alkali for enhancing performance of Photo galvanic cell in transparent cylindrical cell design Heliyon, Elsevier, IF 4.0 (2023), SJR 0.609 (2022), CiteScore: 5.6 (2022), SNIP 1.33 (2022), h-index 88 (2022)Online ISSN: 2405-8440 10(11) E32163 4.0
11 Solar energy conversion and storage using Naphthol Green B dye photosensitizer in Photogalvanic cells Applied Solar Energy, SpringerNature Publication, ISSN: 0003-701X,IF 1.2, h-index 15, CiteScore 2.0, SJR 0.34, SNIP 0.764 50 67- 1.2
12 Photogalvanic effect of natural photosensitizer (crude Spinach extract) in artificial light for simultaneous solar power generation and storage Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy,Wiley, IF 2.824, h-index 66, Cite Score 3.7, SJR 0.495,SNIP 0.742 37 1800- 2.824
13 Simplified Photogalvanic cell design with promise for the enhanced solar electricity generation and storage Energy storage, Wiley publication, 4(1) E287 3.2
14 Solar energy conversion and storage: Fast Green FCF- Fructose Photogalvanic cell Applied Energy,Elsevier,ISSN: 0306-2619,IF 11.44, CiteScore: 17.6, 5-Year IF: 9.086, SNIP: 2.699, SJR: 3.035, h index-212, 118 231- 11.446
15 Tropaeline O - Oxalic Acid – Benzalkonium chloride photogalvanic cells for solar energy conversion and storage Battery Energy, Wiley 1 (4) 0011 N/A
16 Brilliant Cresyl Blue - Fructose for enhancement of solar energy conversion and storage capacity of photogalvanic solar cells Fuel,Elsevier,ISSN 0016-2361,IF 8.035 , Cite Score 9.8, 5-Year IF: 5.77; SNIP 2.005, SJR 1.56, h-index 213 90 3336- 8.035
17 Graphite counter electrode modified Tropaeline-O photo-sensitized photogalvanic cells for solar power and storage Eco-energy, Online ISSN:2835-9399, Print ISSN:2835-9380,Wiley Publications 2 (2) 278 N/A
18 High energy throughput using photogalvanic solar techniques and environmentally benign chemical system Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology,Elsevier, Online ISSN:2666-4690, cite score 4.1 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpap.2024.100244 P.1002 4.1
19 Use of Congo red dye-formaldehyde as a new sensitizer-reductant couple for enhanced simultaneous solar energy conversion and storage by photogalvanic Scientific Reports,Nature Publishing (now Springer-Nature), ISSN 2045-232,2IF 4.379; 5-year IF 4.576; cite score 7.1 SJR 1.24; SNIP 1.377; h index 213 10 19264 4.99
20 Study of enhanced Photogalvanic effect of Naphthol Green B in natural sunlight Journal of Power Sources,Elsevier,IF 9.794 , CiteScore 14.4, 5-Year IF 7.25; SNIP 1.607; SJR 2.139; h-index 302 285 310- 9.794
21 Photogalvanic cells: Only Solar cells having dual role of simultaneous solar power generation and storage WIREs Energy and Environment,Wiley,IF 6.016,Cite Score 8, SJR 1.158, SNIP 1.242, h-index 35 7 274- 6.1
22 Formic Acid reductant-Sodium Lauryl Sulphate Surfactant enhanced photogalvanic effect of Indigo Carmine dye sensitizer for simultaneous solar energy c Energy Reports, Elsevier, ISSN: 2352-4847, IF 4.93, h-index 33,Cite Score 2.71, SNIP 2.35, SJR 1.119 7 3628 5.2
23 Photo-stability of the Titan Yellow dye sensitized and Ethylenediaminetetraacetate photoreduced photogalvanic system Results in Engineering, Elsevier, 2023 18 101209 5
24 Simultaneous electrochemical solar power and storage by using the alkaline Metanil Yellow-Formic acid as a new sensitizer-reductant couple in the .... RSC Advances,RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry,London,UK) Publications, IF 4.036 , SJR 0.746, CiteScore: 5.9 , SNIP 0. 87 , h-index 148 9 7560- 4.036
25 Comparative study of the photogalvanics of Sudan-I, Rhodamine-B, Fast Green FCF, Brilliant Cresyl Blue, Naphthol Green B, and chlorophyll ‘a’ photosen Environmental Challenges, Elsevier, Online ISSN: 2667-0100; Scopus indexed, Cite Score 3.8, h index 19 14C (2024) 100872 3.8
26 Tricameral Legislature - Key to solve Women Reservation Bills' Imbroglio Third Concept-An International Journal of Ideas, ISSN: 0970-7247, UGC Approved, & also UGC-CARE listed Journal published from Delhi (INDIA) 32 19- N/A
27 Natural sunlight irradiated Rhodamine B dye sensitized and surfactant enhanced photogalvanic solar power and storage, https://doi.org/10.1080/01430750 International Journal of Ambient Energy ,Taylor & Francis, IF 2.54, SNIP 1.086, h-index 27, SJR 0.449, Cite Score 3.5 42(10) 1193 2.54
28 Sugar Beet root’s crude aqueous extract photosensitizer-Formic acid reductant-Sodium Lauryl Sulphate surfactant-based photogalvanic electrolyte chemic Bio-resource Technology Reports, Elsevier, ISSN: 2589-014X, Cite Score: 6.3 (2021) 18 101083 6.3
29 The effects of opposite physical and socio-psychological conditions nearly match Everyman's Science, ISSN:0531-495X, OCLC Number: 8447863, A publication of ‘The Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)’, Kolkata (INDIA). XLIX 252- N/A
30 Exploratory insight into the electrochemical properties of the complete electrolyte and its individual chemical components in the photogalvanic cells Ionics, SpringerNature ISSN 1862-0760,IF 2.8 (2022), 30 1815 2.8
31 Photogalvanics of the Copper and Brass working electrodes in the NaOH-Allura Red-D-Galactose-DDAC electrolyte for solar power generation RSC Advances,RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry, London,UK) Publications, IF 4.036 , SJR 0.746, CiteScore: 5.9 , SNIP 0. 87 , h-index 148 14 14648 4.036
32 Cleaner technology with enforced human discipline: Key for sustainable health of the global environment Everyman's Science, ISSN:0531-495X, OCLC Number: 8447863, A publication of ‘The Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)’, Kolkata (INDIA). LIII 23 N/A
33 Photogalvanics of Dodecyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide-Quinoline Yellow-alkali: A solar energy conversion,storage, photostability, and spectral study International Journal of Energy Research, wiley, 1099-114X, IF 5.164 (2020) 46(10) 13889 4.67
34 Enhancing efficiency of Fast Green FCF-Fructose photogalvanic solar cell by using surfactant in natural sunlight International Journal of Ambient Energy ,Taylor & Francis, IF 2.54, SNIP 1.086, h-index 27, SJR 0.449, Cite Score 3.5 40 868- 2.54
35 Photochemical solar power and storage through Photogalvanic cells: Comparing performance of dye materials Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, Taylor & Francis, IF 2.9, h-index 45, CiteScore 3.4, SJR 0.477, SNIP 0.929 39 555- 2.9
36 Study of the Enhancement on Photogalvanics: Solar Energy Conversion and Storage in EDTA-Safranine O-NaLS system Sustainable Energy & Fuels,RSC(Royal Society of Chemistry,London,UK) Publishing, IF 6.813, h-index 38, CiteScore 7.4, SJR 1.825, SNIP 1.002 01 882- 6.813
37 Exploratory insight into the contribution of chemical components of photo galvanic electrolyte towards potential, power and current of photo galvanic Results in Chemistry, Elsevier, cite score 1.5, IF2.3 6 101124 2.3
38 Sudan I Dye and Fructose chemicals based photogalvanic cells for electrochemical solar energy conversion and storage at low and artificial sun intensi Arabian Journal of Chemistry,Elsevier, IF 6.212 , SJR 0.746, CiteScore: 5.9,SNIP 0. 87, h-index 148 14(2), 2021 1-15 6.212
39 UV-Visible spectroscopic exploratory insight in to the long term photo-stability of the Fast Green FCF dye sensitizer-Fructose reductant-Sodium lauryl Results in Materials, Elsevier, Online ISSN: 2590-048X, 22 100573 4.7
40 Modified and simplified Photogalvanic cells: Solar energy harvesting using different electrodes and cell dimensions in the Bromo Cresol Green sensitiz Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry,Elsevier, ISSN 1572-6657, IF 4.598 (2021), h-index 158, Cite Score: 6.00 (2020), SNIP: 0.95 (2020); SJR: 0.845 904 115942 4.598
41 NaOH Alkali-Sunset Yellow FCF dye photosensitizer-Ascorbic acid reductant-Cetrimonium bromide surfactant based photogalvanic cells: Solar power, stora Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy,Wiley, IF 2.824, h-index 66, Cite Score 3.7, SJR 0.495,SNIP 0.742 43 (2) E14286 2.824
42 Titan Yellow dye sensitized and Ethylenediaminetetraacetate photoreduced photogalvanic system Energy Reports, Elsevier, ISSN: 2352-4847, IF 4.93, h-index 33,Cite Score 2.71, SNIP 2.35, SJR 1.119 10 2817 5.2
43 Solar energy conversion and storage: Rhodamine B - Fructose Photogalvanic cell Renewable Energy,Elsevier, ISSN 0960-1481,IF 8.634 , CiteScore 10.8, 5-Year IF: 5.96; SNIP 2.381, SJR 1.825, h-index 191 37 250 - 8.634

Published Book/ Book Chapters:

S.No. Title of the Book/ chapter Publisher Vol. Page no.
1 Discrepancy in reservation policy for educational and political empowerment of the women in India, Chapter-14,Book Title-Dr. Bheemrao Ambedkar Ka ... Rajasthani Granthagar Publisher,Jodhpur,2012 N/A 114-
2 Reservation : Regaining rule for determining post-promotion seniority against judicial and constitutional principles,Chapter-15, Book Title-Dr.Bheem.. Rajasthani Granthagar Publisher,Jodhpur,2012 N/A 117-
3 Solar power techniques (ISBN: 978-3-659-62337-0. Project ID: #111424 (Aug., 2015)), Book Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany N/A 141
4 Reservation Rules in India and Eligibility & Promotion Rules (For Universities and Colleges),ISBN 978-81-909073-0-9,Book Kanoon Prakashak Agency, Jodhpur N/A 1576
5 Reservation Rules in Rajasthan and Promotion Rules (For Employees of Rajasthan Government/Universities /Colleges),ISBN 978-81-909073-1-6,, Book Kanoon Prakashak Agency, Jodhpur N/A 1128
6 Supplement to Reservation Rules and Promotion Rules,, Book Kanoon Prakashak Agency, Jodhpur N/A 200

Details Fellowships: National/International/Awards:

S.No. Name of Fellowship Funding Agency Host Institute / country
1 JRF (JOINT UGC-CSIR EXAM) UGC University of Rajasthan

Other Research Pertaining Activities:

Paper presented in Seminars/Conferences: 12

Seminars/Symposium/ Conferences attended: 12

Overseas international conferences: 2

Member of Advisory Board / Editorial Board of Journals : N/A

Organized Conference/Symposium: 3

Any other relevant information : N/A

Citation indices:

Total Citations: 532

h-index : (Scopus): 5

h-index : (Google Scholar): 15

i10 index: 19

Orcid ID :0000-0001-5476-8283

Scopus ID: 42261937700

Any other relevant information Publons reviewing activity verified record: 127

Note: This is to certify that aforesaid information given by is correct
